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Getting Started


  1. Clone the repository onto your local machine

  2. git clone

  3. This uses HTTPS which may require a different format if git clone is configured with SSH

  4. Create a feature/release/patch/fix branch depending on what you are trying to contribute and switch to that branch

  5. Install dependencies (assuming proper installation of npm and pip, and a python virtual environment)

  6. npm install && pip install -r requirements.txt - dev-build dependencies

  7. pre-commit install - pre-commit hooks

  8. Periodically update your branch

git checkout <branch_name> # switch to dev branch
git fetch origin           # update dev branch with main branch
git merge origin/main

Outside Collaborators

  1. Fork the repository onto your profile

  2. Clone your fork onto your local machine

  3. git remote add upstream

to add a remote to main repository

Please keep your fork updated with the main repository before opening a pull request [Always pull before push]

  1. git fetch upstream to grab changes from the main repository. Alternatively, GitHub offers and option on the website to Sync Fork.

  2. Create a feature/release/patch/fix branch depending on what you are trying to contribute and switch to that branch

  3. Install dependencies (assuming proper installation of npm and pip, and a python virtual environment)

  4. npm install && pip install -r requirements.txt - dev-build dependencies

  5. pre-commit install - pre-commit hooks

  6. Periodically update your fork's main branch

    To keep development branch up to date with main, first make sure to have your main branch on your fork up-to-date with upstream via #4 then

git checkout <branch_name> # switch to dev branch
git fetch origin           # update dev branch with main branch of fork
git merge origin/main